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Tyler William Bickley's Profile Picture

Tyler William Bickley
Bachelor Of Science - Earth And Space Sciences: Physics
Class of 2014

What made you decide to get into geosciences?
My path into the geosciences started in the engineering department like many other ESSers at UW. After figuring out that engineering wasn’t for me I made my way to the ESS department based on my interest in how the world works and previous space science research that I had already been working on. So, although geoscience wasn’t what I pictured myself studying when I started school, I couldn’t have asked for a better department to end up in!

What was your favorite part of the ESS department?
My favorite part about the department was definitely the community that has been established. Whether it’s getting help from peers on a challenging assignment or chatting with professors at departmental barbecues, the ESS department makes everyone feel at home. The ESS department made my University experience feel like I was part of a group working toward a common goal rather than an individual up against a daunting task.

What are you doing now?
I am now working as a Geophysical Technologist at the Devon Energy Corporation in Oklahoma City. At Devon I have been able to apply my geoscience background and learn from Geologists and Geophysicists about how the energy industry works. Devon has a fantastic continuing education program including in house classes, field trips, and tuition reimbursement for working towards a master’s degree that I have taken full advantage of in hopes of moving into a Geophysicist position in the coming years.

Any advice for our current students?
The best advice that I can give for students still in school is to start research as soon as possible! You’re at one of the top research schools in the country so take advantage of it! Not only will you learn a lot by applying what you learn in class but when you go to apply for jobs you will have experience on your resume. When I was applying for jobs companies were much more interested in the research I had done than the classes I had taken or the grades I had received. Also remember that it’s never too early to start applying for jobs and internships. The job market is slow right now but the jobs are there for those who work hard to find them.

Additional Contact Information
Absolutely! Email and LinkedIn are great ways to contact me. Email: or